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Five characteristics of cast aluminum parts

Date:2014-09-19 09:31:26 Source:Shandong Dingming Aluminum Co., Ltd.


Aluminum is a very stable material, resistant to oxidation; aluminum alloy castings cannot get rust and are corrosion-resistant;

The use of electrostatic powder and fluorocarbon for the surface coating, a product which will not fade in time and will be suitable for all kind of decorations, both indoor and outdoor


Due to its ductility, the aluminum is suitable for every type of design.

Pliable but strong, it can be repeatedly recycled and used in a broader range of applications.


A variety of rigorous tests to ensure the strength of aluminum products against earthquakes, wind pressure, weathering resistance.

The unique aluminum alloy casting method brings to a product with a light weight, reducing the dangers during the handling and making it easy to be moved during the construction operations.


Ornamentation designed by a professional to lead the world trend.

For those who want an exclusive house, we can personalize the design according to the client’s requirements.

五、[Light weight]

Aluminum light weight, both installation and maintenance will be more convenient.

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